"Let You Down" by NF - Musical Analysis #1


"Let You Down" by NF

    The song I chose is "Let You Down" written and sung by Nathan Feuerstein, NF. The origin country is the USA. He released this song in 2017 on his album called Perception. According to the magazine "Billboard" this song is one of his biggest hits. I first heard this song from a friend. He introduced me to NF's music. Most of NF's music is based on his own experiences which I really like because they all have a deep meaning and vulnerable sounding to them.

Lyrics - 

In all of NF's songs, I found that his lyrics can be very profound and intense. This song specifically, the intro just goes right in with emotional lyrics with a higher vocal range. These lyrics are sung with a higher range. It makes me think that his younger self is coming out to talk to his older self. Throughout the song, it shows the struggles he had during his childhood. To me, it seems like he has struggled with how to cope with his trauma and wants to finally move on. The line "Paranoia, what did I do wrong this time? That's parents for you", is showing that his parents gave him a hard time growing up. In the third verse, there's a part where he says, "But I guess I'm a letdown, but it's cool, I checked out." Indicating that he has accepted what his parents have made him feel and wants to leave it behind him.


The tempo in this song is 148 BPM. It has a fast tempo and has rapid lyrics that he sings. I feel like it works well with the melody that he decided to go with. The tempo of the piano and drums add a great background that helps with his lyrics and how they come across. 


In the beginning, it starts with a piano melody. It is on the lower octave and has a strong feeling to it. Once the first verse starts there is a drum that comes in. These two accompaniments work well together and has a great flow. "The song features a haunting piano melody and subdued beat" which I think fits perfectly to describe it. It gives a deep and dark tone to the song. This helps with the passionate lyrics he sings. 


NF: Biography, Music & News (no date) Billboard. Available at: https://www.billboard.com/artist/nf/ (Accessed: 05 October 2023).

“Behind the Lyrics: ‘Let You down’ by NF.” UMUSIC Shop Canada, www.umusic.ca/blogs/news/behind-the-lyrics-let-you-down-by-nf. Accessed 4 Oct. 2023.

BPM and key for let you down by NF: Tempo for let you down: Songbpm (no date) SongBPM. Available at: https://songbpm.com/@nf/let-you-down-67ZBRxvFtn (Accessed: 05 October 2023).

Edward TomlinEdward Tomlin is a frequent contributor to Singers Room. Since 2005 (2023) 10 best NF songs of all time, Singersroom.com - R&B Music, R&B Videos, R&B News. Available at: https://singersroom.com/w3/10-best-nf-songs-of-all-time/ (Accessed: 05 October 2023).


  1. I love this song! I liked your perspective thinking it was his younger self talking to his older self. In my view, I think it is him talking to someone else, possibly a partner. I think the line about his parents was him referencing that his paranoia is thanks to them. The reason why I think it is him talking to a partner is because of the line "Both know you're gonna call tomorrow like nothing's wrong". I still really like your perspective on it though! You should listen to his song "Therapy Session". That song goes into how he shouldn't have to pretend to be okay and put on a mask. It has a super important message.


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